How to Solve CWWIM4551E Change handler was not …

Using Websphere Portal With domino and some Other Ldap you can come across this error:

CWWIM4551E Change handler was not defined for repository type ‘YOURTYPE’ .at

To solve this go to:



Find this parameter “supportChangeLog” relative to your ldap and set it to “none” if it doesn’t support Change Log (for example domino doesn’t).



<config:repositories xsi:type="config:LdapRepositoryType" adapterClassName=""
id="YOURID" isExtIdUnique="true" supportAsyncMode="false" supportExternalName="false"
supportPaging="false" supportSorting="false" supportTransactions="false"


certificateFilter="" certificateMapMode="exactdn" ldapServerType="NDS" translateRDN="false">